Automated Evocations

Automated Evocations

Version: V12
Any System

    For the module to work correctly, players need world level permission to create tokens.

    A user interface to manage companions with summoning animations and automated summoning for spells. The Companion Manager works on all Systems, while the automations only work on DnD5e, PF2E. To configure automations on other systems check Manually invoking the companion manger on spell cast. The module includes a Macro and Actor compendium with preconfigured summons.

    How to use

    Companion manger buttonCompanion manger button

    Companion Manager

    Open any character sheet, in the header of the window you will see the companions button Upon opening you will be welcomed by a window, from here you can drag and drop actors from the sidebar or compendiums into it to add them. After adding actor to the window you will have some options:

    Companion Manager WindowCompanion Manager Window
    • To Summon : click on the actor image, you will get a placement croshair, just click where you want to summon the token
    • Number field: how many tokens you will spawn
    • Animation: The dropdown will let you chose the summoning animation

    Store companions on actor

    By default companions are stored per user (so each actor will have the same summon list). You can set per actor storage in the module settings if you want each different actor to have it's own companion list.


    If you want a particular actor to have it's own summon list you can use the included macro to switch the actor from global storage to local (on the actor). Simply place a linked actor on the scene, select it and run the macro. Using the other macro to switch it to global again will not wipe the saved companions so setting it to local at a later date will restore the previous list. For more advanced users you can set the flag with the following command : actor.setFlag(AECONSTS.MN,"isLocal",false) (set true/false to enable disable local storage)

    Custom Macros

    You can assign custom macros to specific actors.

    The steps are as follows:

    • Create a macro with this naming structure AE_Companion_Macro(ActorName) where ActorName is replaced with the actor's name.
      • A macro for an actor named Bat would be AE_Companion_Macro(Bat)
      • This will get fired any time a creature with that name is summoned
    • Add code for the custom data, in the context of the macro args[0] contains the following data:
    summonThe actor that's getting summoned
    spellLevelThe level of the spell that triggered the summoning
    duplicatesHow many creatures are getting summoned
    assignedActorThe actor assigned to the player doing the summoningThis will be the selected token actor if no assigned actor is found, this is always the case for GMs. The macro must return the custom data.

    You can use the getSummonInfo API call (CompanionManager.api.getSummonInfo), passing in args and the base spell level, to get the following information automatically calculated for you:

    levelHow many levels above the base spell level the spell as cast at
    maxHPThe actor's max HP
    dcThe actor's spellcasting DC
    attack.msThe melee spell attack bonus of the actor
    attack.rsThe ranged spell attack bonus of the actor

    An example using Flaming Sphere with auto scaling:

    // Macro name: AE_Companion_Macro(Flaming Sphere)
    const summon = CompanionManager.api.dnd5e.getSummonInfo(args, 2);
    const flamingSphere = {
      sphere: [`${summon.level + 2}d6`, "fire"],
    return {
      embedded: {
        Item: {
          "Flaming Sphere": {
            "data.description.value": `Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the sphere, or has the sphere rammed into it, must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC ${summon.dc}). The creature takes ${flamingSphere.sphere[0]} ${flamingSphere.sphere[1]} damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.`,
            "": summon.dc,
            "": [flamingSphere.sphere],

    Every time an actor named Arcane Hand is summoned, the custom data will be applied

    Supported Spells

    To use the included automations you will need to import both the Actor and the corresponding Macro from Automated Evocation compendiums! The ever expanding list of spells currently includes: All the SRD spells for dnd5e, if something is missing let me know

    Custom and non-SRD spells

    Configure Bindings SettingConfigure Bindings Setting

    To add your custom spell bindings use the Custom Bindings setting in the module settings.

    • Open the Configure Custom Bindings menu
      Custom Bindings MenuCustom Bindings Menu
    • Click Add Binding
    • Rename the binding with the name of the spell or feature you want to bind by clicking on the name. This is Case Sensitive
    • Click the Edit button, a new window will open where you can configure this Binding
    • Click the Add Binding button to add a new creature
    • Edit the creature name to match the creature. This is Case Sensitive
    • Edit the number to summon and the animation.
    • Close the windows.

    Custom Animations

    To add your own animations, you can merge your own configs to the default one. Once you built the object you wanna merge, simply save it to the hidden game setting game.settings.set(AECONSTS.MN, "customanimations", yourData)


    Setting this hidden setting will override any previous value, so you want to keep a file with all you custom setting and add to it every time you want to apply it!

    Example: Adding your animation to the list:

    const customanims = {
      energy2: {
        fn: "light2",
        time: 650,
        name: "Energy 2",
        group: "My Group", //optional
    game.settings.set(AECONSTS.MN, "customanimations", customanims);
    • fn: name of the macro to fire
    • time: how long to wait from the animation start before spwaning the token
    • name: the displayed name

    Example macro:

    const template = args[0];
    const tokenData = args[1];
    const tokenScale = (Math.abs(tokenData.texture.scaleX) + Math.abs(tokenData.texture.scaleY)) / 2;
    await new Sequence()
        .atLocation(template, { randomOffset: true })
        .repeats(6,50, 25, 75, 60,20)
        .scale(Math.max(tokenData.width,tokenData.height) * tokenScale * 0.15)
        .scale(Math.max(tokenData.width,tokenData.height) * tokenScale * 0.35)

    Manually invoking the companion manger on spell cast

    If you are on non DND5E systems you can trigger the companion manager for specific spells with a macro or the module Item Macro

    new SimpleCompanionManager(
          id: "actorid", //id of the actor to summon, if you have the name use game.actors.getName(name).id
          animation: "animationid", //id of the animation - set to undefined for
          defaultnumber: 1, //number of creatures to spawn
          id: "actorid",
          animation: "animationid",
          number: 1,
    //spell level is the spell level of the spell that summons the companions (will be passed to the companion macro), actor is the actor that summons the companions
