Boss Bar

Boss Bar

Version: V12
Any System

    Create a Dark Souls-like boss healthbar at top of the screen.

    Activating the Boss Bar

    Boss bar and button locationBoss bar and button location

    To create the bar simply select one or multiple tokens and click the button in the token controls.


    You can customize the Boss Bar position and appearance in the module settings. You can also use your own custom image.

    Pan to Boss

    In the module settings you can also choose if you want the camera to focus on the boss when you activate the Boss Bar for dramatic effect.

    Configuring Boss Bar for your system

    Please refer to the same steps as Splatter's configuration as they are the same.


    Setting a custom bar for a specific token

    await token.document.setFlag("bossbar", "bgTex", "path/to/image.png")
    await token.document.setFlag("bossbar", "fgTex", "path/to/image.png")

    Remove previously set custom bar

    await token.document.unsetFlag("bossbar", "bgTex")
    await token.document.unsetFlag("bossbar", "fgTex")

    Enable boss bar for one or more tokens

    const tokens = canvas.tokens.controlled;
    for (const token of tokens) {
      await ui.BossBar.create(token);

    Close all boss bars

    await ui.BossBar.remove();