Quick Grid Align

Quick Grid Align

Version: V12
Any System

    Small utility to quickly align the background image to the grid.

    How to use

    • Open the utility by clicking on the Quick Grid Align to the left of the Grid Type dropdown.
    • Count the number of Horizontal and Vertical Squares or Hexes in your image.
    • Enter the values in the corresponding fields.
    • Click on the Align Grid button to align the image to the grid.

    Measurement based Alignment

    If you don't want to count the grid cells, you can use the measurement based alignment.

    • You will see a section of your image in the utility.
    • Click on a corner of a grid cell.
    • Click on a connecting corner of the same grid cell.
    • The image will be automatically aligned, repeat the steps above for more precision if the image is not aligned properly. The measurements will be averaged out.