Settings - Client to World
Swap Client Settings to World Settings.
This module was originally intended to also swap world settings to client, but due to concerns about potential data loss, the feature was removed.
How to use
- Open the Configure Settings menu
- Settings that can be swapped will have a dropdown to the left of the setting name
- Select the Globe icon to make a setting a World setting or the Person icon to make a setting a Client setting
- Settings that have been altered from their original configuration will have the dropdown border highlighted in red
- Refresh the page to update the type of the changed settings, until you refresh changing the settings will still save them as the original type.
- If other users are connected they will also need to refresh.
Known Issues
- While most settings can be swapped, some cannot. This depends on how the module is using the setting, if you experience any settings related errors or oddities, swap the setting to it's original type and refresh the page.