World Setting Sync

World Setting Sync

Version: V12
Any System

    Synchronizes settings, modules and users across worlds.

    Initial Setup

    Master Worlds

    To use this module, you will need to assign a master world. You can have a master world for agnostic modules and settings, and a master world for each of your systems.

    To assign a master world for system agnostic settings, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the master world from which you wish to use all system agnostic settings and modules.
    2. Open the module settings.
    3. Check the Is Master World for Agnostic Settings? setting.
    4. Optionally you can uncheck options you wish to not sync.
    5. Save the settings.
    6. Reload to save the world settings to a file.

    To assign a master world for system specific settings, follow these steps:

    1. Identify the master world from which you wish to use all system specific settings and modules. Note that this can be the same world as the master world for system agnostic settings.
    2. Open the module settings.
    3. Check the Is Master World for System Settings? setting.
    4. Optionally you can uncheck options you wish to not sync.
    5. Save the settings.
    6. Reload to save the world settings to a file.

    Secondary Worlds

    Any world not marked as a master world will compare it's settings to the master world and sync any changes.

    To setup a secondary world, follow these steps:

    1. Enable the module for the world.
    2. Reload
    3. Confirm the settings you wish to sync.


    To help you understand the module's functionality in a complex scenario, here is a practical example.


    • World A: Master for Agnostic, Master for DND5e
      • Modules:
        • Dice So Nice
        • MidiQOL
      • Players:
        • Player A
    • World B: DND5e world, not master
    • World C: Master for PF2e
      • Module:
        • Argon for PF2e
    • World D: PF2e world, not master
      • Players:
        • Player A

    What Happens:

    1. World A:

      • You activate Dice So Nice and MidiQOL, configuring them with custom settings.
    2. Launch World B:

      • Prompted to enable Dice So Nice and MidiQOL.
      • Asked to copy settings for Dice So Nice and MidiQOL from World A.
    3. Launch World C:

      • Prompted to enable Dice So Nice.
      • Asked to copy Dice So Nice settings from World A.
      • MidiQOL and its settings are ignored as it is not a DND5e world.
      • World C shares a player with World A; you are asked to sync the player's color, avatar, and other settings from World A to World C.
    4. Launch World D:

      • Prompted to enable Dice So Nice.
      • Asked to copy Dice So Nice settings from World A.
      • Prompted to enable Argon for PF2e and copy its settings from World C.