System Customizer

System Customizer

Version: V12
Any System

    Customize your system to your liking. Note that this is an advanced tool, you'll be able to customize most aspect of your system but the specific things you can change will depend on the system you are using.

    Is my system supported?

    This module uses a generic implementation to allow customization of many systems, however it's not guaranteed that a specific system is setup to accept customizations.

    If you want to check in advance if and how your system can be customized, do the following:

    • Open the developer console in your browser (usually by pressing F12)
    • Go to the Console tab
    • Type CONFIG.[SystemId] and press enter (for example CONFIG.DND5E)
    • If the system is supported, you will see a list of settings that you can customize

    What can I customize?

    The settings you can customize will depend on the system you are using. Generally, most of the things availeble in the System Customizer interface will be editable, but depending on how the system has been developed some might not have any effect.

    How to use


    As of V12 the old DND5e specific menu has been removed. If you have not manually migrated before, you will need to redo your customizations.

    Simply head to the Configure Settings menu, then head to the System Customizer tab then open the JSON Editor.

    Using the JSON Editor

    The JSON editor allows you to edit the settings of your system in a more advanced way.

    To add a customization, the best way is to duplicate an existing setting and then modify it to your liking:

    • Navigate the Tree View to find the setting you want to modify. For example in the D&D 5e system, you can find the abilities key and expand it.
    • This entry will contain a list of properties, in our example str, dex, con etc...
    • Duplicate one of the entries by clicking the Actions Menu button (a window looking icon) on the left of the entry and selecting Duplicate.
    • Rename the duplicated key of the entry, for example str to wts.
    • Expand the duplicated entry and modify the properties to your liking.
    • Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.
    • Refresh the page to see the changes.

    Deleting something

    By default it's not possible to delete a key using the JSON Editor for safety reasons, however you can use the special unsafelyDelete key to delete a key.

    To delete a key, you need to add the unsafelyDelete key to the object and set it to true. For example:

        "abilities": {
            "str": {
                "unsafelyDelete": true