Macro Wheel

Macro Wheel

Version: V12
Any System

    Do you have too many macros? Macro Wheel is for you! Press M or Middle Mouse Button to show an easy to use interface that can hold infinite macros!

    Getting Started

    Macro Wheel in actionMacro Wheel in action

    When you enable the module it will be already ready to go, simply press M to display your macros in the Macro Wheel! This said, a warning will be shown prompting you to setup the macro wheel since the MacroWheel folder is missing.

    If you don't wish to do any specific configuration for Macro Wheel, simply head into the module settings and enable Use Root Folder.

    Basic Configuration

    A sample setup of folders and subfoldersA sample setup of folders and subfolders

    If Use Root Folder is disabled, Macro Wheel will build the wheel using a folder named MacroWheel, let's set it up!

    • Open the Macros Directory
    • Create a folder named exactly MacroWheel
    • Every folder inside the MacroWheel folder will create a Wheel containing all the macros inside that folder, you can check the image to see how a sample setup looks like

    Customizing the Wheel

    Every Wheel is a macro folder, so to customize it, simply edit the folder. If you prefer, you can open the edit folder dialog by clicking with the right mouse button on a wheel.

    You will find 2 extra options

    Macro Wheel Image

    This is the image used for the Wheel, change it to what you prefer!


    Some premade conditions you can use to conditionally show a wheel. For example selecting In Combat will only show the wheel if a combat is active in the scene. Set to Custom to use the option below.

    Custom Condition

    This is a condition that will be evaluated to determine if the wheel should be shown, for example you could use the canvas.activeLayer === canvas.tokens condition to have the specific Wheel display only on the token layer.

    Other Customizations

    The module settings contains other customizations that are explained in the setting itself, such as showing hotbars and customizing the macro wheel size!