Additional Info
Fog of War & Vision

Fog of War & Vision

Quick Start

To setup fog of war in 3D we will look at 4 settings, they will be referenced throughout this section. You can find them here:

  • Token Vision in the scene settings (lighting tab)
  • Fog Exploration in the scene settings (lighting tab)
  • Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations in the scene settings (3D tab)
  • Enable Fog of War in the scene settings (3D tab)

Default settings

By default you will have the following settings when creating a new scene:

  1. Token Vision Enabled
  2. Fog Exploration Enabled
  3. Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations Disabled
  4. Enable Fog of War Disabled

With these settings the 3D Map will be completely visible, tiles will not block vision and the fog of war will not be rendered. Token visibility will still be blocked by walls.

Full fog of war

To have the full fog of war experience in 3D Canvas, you need to enable the following settings:

  1. Token Vision Enabled
  2. Fog Exploration Enabled
  3. Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations Enabled
  4. Enable Fog of War Enabled

With these settings the 3D Map will be completely hidden, tiles will block vision and the fog of war will be rendered. Note that this is the most demanding setting and will have a negative impact on performance on scenes with large wall\tiles count.

Token Vision only

This is a middle ground where the whole map will be visible but tokens will be blocked by walls and tiles.

  1. Token Vision Enabled
  2. Fog Exploration Disabled
  3. Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations Enabled
  4. Enable Fog of War Disabled

No Vision

Some maps, especially battlemaps, don't really require vision and can be a better experience for the players without it. If your players have very weak hardware, consider disabling vision in maps that don't benefit from it.

  1. Token Vision Disabled
  2. Fog Exploration Disabled
  3. Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations Disabled
  4. Enable Fog of War Disabled

Use 3D Geometry for sight calculations


Enabling this setting will disable vision completely while in 2D mode since there is no 3D geometry in 2D mode.

This is a very important setting, enabling it will, as the name suggest, use 3D Models to calculate token visibility and sight polygons. Whith this setting disabled, only walls will be used to calculate visibility and you will be able to see through tiles.

Shared Context


It is not recommended to disable Shared Context.

Shared Context is a global setting. If enabled, it allows for fog of war to be rendered in real-time with better performance and better quality. The downside is that you will lose access to the Mini-Canvas

Fog Exploration

If you have both Token Vision and Fog Exploration enabled in the scene settings, 3D Canvas will mirror the 2D Canvas fog. This means that fog bounds are solely determined by walls in the scene.

If you have Token Vision enabled but Fog Exploration disabled, the whole scene will be revealed but walls and geometry (if set in the scene settings) will prevent tokens from seeing each other if blocked by obstacles.

Fog Limitations


Fog is not 3D! Fog exploration is 2 dimensional.

Exploring any space will explore the full vertical space of that location. There are no current plans for 'true' 3D fog exploration because of performance costs.

Manual Fog of War

If you wish to have some semblance of a 3D Fog, you can use Box Measure templates to create Fog of War boxes. It will mimic the use a piece of paper to cover the map table experience—but in 3D.

Simply place a Box Measured Template, open it's configuration, and enable Is Fog of War Box

Players will see this box as solid black. GMs will see it semi transparent. Moving the camera inside the box will obscure the view. The GM can move or remove these boxes during the exploration.