Image Context
Create image popouts of any image.
How to use

Invoking the Image Context Menu
Simply right click on any image in the interface to open the Image Context Menu, if the item has already a context menu, Right click two times
This works on any image, this includes:
- Images in sidebar items (Right click two times)
- Images in the file picker
- Images in character, items, journal sheets
- Images in chat messages

The Show button will popout the image, from here you can use the regular foundry interactions, such as show to players
Send to chat
This will open a prompt that will let you chose which players can see the chat message. The image will be posted to chat. Any image created this way, can be popped out from the chat by left clicking on the image.
Copy URL
This will let you copy the image path, to (for example) paste it on a tile or token image field or anywhere else.
Chat image parsing
Image context will also parse image URLs posted in chat, so if you send an image url into chat the image will be shown and it can be popped out by left clicking.
URL Parser
The button in the tile layer will let you execute the context menu operations on a copied URL.